Embracing Inclusivity in Drum and Dance circles

Embracing Inclusivity in Drum and Dance circles

Recent discussions about “inclusive, co-creative drum and dance circles” have prompted me to reflect on what this means in practice. We often find inclusivity and tolerance challenging, not just in drumming circles but in many areas of life. The paradox of...

Rhythm Vocabulary

These elements of vocabulary are intended as supplemental information for Rhythm Arise students. They are frameworks for learning, understanding and embodying rhythm in it’s many varieties. The names are convenient ways to refer to rhythmic structures and should...
What does a drum circle facilitator do?

What does a drum circle facilitator do?

I recently came across a discussion on social media about how people feel about facilitated drum circles and I saw that there were some differing experiences about what a facilitated circle is and what it even means to facilitate a circle. For sure, the term has been...